Welcome to the BYU Independent Study Blog

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We’re all about teaching and sharing knowledge with the BYU Independent Study (BYU IS) community. We hope you will find valuable ideas that help you succeed in online education.

Our goal is to provide valuable information to help  

  • current and prospective students who need supplementary courses,
  • parents and guardians who seek to support their children in BYU IS courses, and
  • counselors and educators looking for helpful tips and background information.

At BYU Independent Study, we offer hundreds of middle school, high school, and university courses that allow students to manage their personal needs and goals. Students leverage our courses to fill course gaps, recover lost credit, graduate early, meet individual or family needs, pursue professional interests, and more.

From thousands of comments submitted by past students, we know how important "independent study"—study on your terms—can be to students and their parents. There’s no reason to take every course at a school anymore. But with freedom comes personal responsibility. We can help you learn to manage your studies well and realize the rewards.

Would you like to share your story about taking a BYU IS course? Did it enable you to do something unique or fun? Or would you like to ask a question or suggest an article topic? If so, email your story or ideas to byuinstudyblog@byu.edu.

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